1. Who can apply for a Foundation Award?

Anyone employed by the Spencerport Central School District can apply for funding from the Spencerport Education Foundation.


2. How can I get an application form?

Applications are only available online here on our website.


3. What types of projects typically receive a Foundation award?

Our internal Award Rubric details the criteria committee members will use for screening. Our focus is on supporting excellence in our academic programs. In addition, applications should be aligned with the values of our Foundation Mission and Vision. Examples of previous successful award applications can be found under the Awards tab. The Spencerport Education Foundation will not provide funds for the following items: computer or athletic equipment; whiteboards/whiteboard tables; classroom furniture. Similarly, we are not currently able to sponsor field trips for classes or clubs. 


4. How much money is available for each project?

At this time, the Foundation will consider applications for funds of any amount up to $500. For this grant cycle, we are looking to fund 4 requests total. Committee members will determine the financial viability of each request.


5. What is the award timeline?

Applications are due November 15, 2024 for the fall award cycle. The awards committee will review applications through November, and applicants will be notified by early December as to the status of their application. Applicants must follow the instructions on the application and must submit the application by the posted deadline in order to be considered.


6. Do I need to include a detailed budget with my application?

Yes. Please include specific details about what you anticipate purchasing, the vendors or businesses you intend to use, detailed cost breakdown, and any anticipated variables.


7. Can I add the cost of new computer equipment to my application?

The SCSD annual budget covers computer equipment. Requests for computer equipment will not qualify for an award.


8. Can I submit more than one application?

We request that each applicant submit only one application per awards cycle.


9. When is the deadline for submission?

The last day that applications will be accepted is posted at the top of the application. We encourage applicants to apply early, giving us extra time to review your application. 


10. Where do I send my completed application?

There is no need to send any hard copy of your application to the Foundation. Your online submission will be sent directly to us and you should receive email notification that it has been received immediately after applying.


11. How does the evaluation process work?

Applications received on time are automatically numbered and reviewers will not have access to the cover sheet during their review, making this a truly blind process. Awards Committee members will review applications as they come in and rate them based on the existing rubric. Once all applications have been reviewed and rated independently, the Awards Committee will convene to review the applications as a group. The Awards Committee will make final recommendations on the applications to the entire SEF board who will vote and make a final decision on which applications to fund based on funding available. 


12. Is approval required by a principal or administrator?

Yes, we will contact the administrator you list on your application to ensure that your needs will not be met through other avenues within the district, and that your proposal aligns with district or building initiatives, goals, and needs.


13. How can I find out the status of my application?

You will be notified when final decisions have been made. If you have any questions before that time, you can contact us via awards@spencerporteducationfoundation.org.


14. What is the next step if my application is awarded a Foundation award?

You will be notified via email. You will receive a check within 4 weeks of your award notification. We ask all award recipients to keep us informed about when your project takes place and to complete and submit a brief Award Report after you have finished. We look forward to sharing your experience on our website and social media.


15. What happens if my actual expenditures are more or less than the award?

Small discrepancies in prices between the submission and execution of projects are anticipated. Larger differences may require reevaluation of the project. Please contact us and we will troubleshoot on an individual basis.

16. What if I fail to complete the project?

If you find that the proposed project must be altered in any way, please contact us as it may be possible to modify it. You are not permitted, however, to make major alterations in your project without prior authorization from the Foundation. If you are unable to complete the project, please let us know – in writing – as soon as possible and all monies will be reimbursed to the Foundation.


17. What happens to the report I turn in after my project is complete?

Your report will help us appreciate the good you do with our funding help. It will also help us plan for future awards. In addition, we will share part or all of your report in various outlets. We have a Past Awards section on our website where all awards are documented. We may also share details of your project on our social media, or with the SCSD to help with future publicity and fundraising efforts. This report is a required piece for all applicants. Failure to report on the award can result in a ban from future awards.


18. What kind of report do I need to turn in to the Foundation after spending my award funds?

We will require a description of your experience. What went well, and what could have gone differently? How did the funds impact the students’ educational experience? Explain how this experience benefited your students. We would love pictures and, if appropriate, video of your experience. In addition, we request that you submit your receipts for how the awards funds were spent either electronically or in paper form.


19. I don’t work for SCSD but love helping out our schools. Can I apply for funds?

Unfortunately not at this time. In addition, please note that full honesty and open disclosure is assumed throughout this process. Any dishonest or fraudulent actions will result in a ban from applying for future SEF awards.


20. If I have any additional questions about the awards process, how can I contact the Foundation?

Please contact us at awards@spencerporteducationfoundation.org.